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The transport of your package:
Packages are generally shipped within 3 or 5 days* after your order has been prepared and depending on the delivery method. From receipt of your payment to delivery of your product, this period does not exceed 5 working days. The shipping method is chronopost (3 or 5 days), international colissimo (1 week). Whatever shipping method you choose, we will provide you with a link as soon as possible that will allow you to track the delivery of your package online.
Shipping costs include packaging, handling and postage. They may contain a fixed part and a variable part depending on the price or weight of your order. We advise you to group your purchases in a single order, special care is taken with the package containing fragile products. Shipping costs are free from an order of 400€. In this case, Coliposte international will be the default carrier.
Packages are oversized and protected.
* Within the limits of available stocks.